Friday 5 April 2013

Audience feedback

1)      Does ‘Sanatorium’ appeal to you as the target audience?
Jess – Yes as the protagonist is a teenage film
Helena – Yes it appeals to me, because of how crazy the girl seems – I am intrigued to watch the film so I know why
Faye – Yes, it creates a good horror atmosphere, and I like horror
Owen – Yes, I am not interested in Horrors but I like the psychological effect and that if it incises you into the story. It feels like there is a lot to see.
2)      What genre do you think the trailer portrays?
Jess – A psychological thriller/horror
Helena – A horror film
Faye – Psychological Horror
Owen – Psychological horror
3)      Do you think the trailer follows the typical codes & conventions of a trailer?Jess – I do indeed- fast editing from scene to scene, typical music soundtrack as well
Helena – Yes, because of the dramatic scenes and music, making you interested and capture your attention
Faye – Definitely – it has all the horror features e.g screaming
Owen – To an extent yes, but it is individual enough to make it stand out from the crowd
4)      Which technique do you think works the best?
Jess – The colour scheme as it adds originality
Helena – The paleness of the girl and the blacking out between each clip of the girl – and the music used
Faye – The colour filter definitely has an effect, making the film seem high quality
Owen – The colour, it creates a theme and feel that fits the genre well – gives it a tone
        5) What element of the trailer can be improved?           Jess – Variation in the camera angles
               Helena – No improvement
               Faye – The actress
               Owen – Occasional jumpy editing – a little more camera movement would make it a bit more  mixed up.

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