Thursday 18 April 2013

Evaluation Questions

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

      Through the stage of research and planning, finding the conventions of Psychological Horror film trailers became a lot easier when we found the trailer that inspired our own. 'The Ward', and after analysing it we found that the expected genre features are dark lighting, blood,thriller,  idiocy    attractive teenagers, killers/villain, torture/death, tension, loud noises/screaming, fast pace editing, build up of tension and enhanced diagetic sound. Seeing as The Ward was a Hollywood film with a high budget, we could only attempt to achieve such conventions. Our main aim was to develop the usual screaming, loud noises and killer plot but twisting each individual scene that would use them and then film a few clips of it in different pitches, angles and location spots- when it was being edited we also challenged the dark lighting convention, with our own colour scheme; where we edited each individual clip using the 3-way colour tool on Final Cut pro, our aim to challenge the ameture, typical, darkness impressed the audience and also challenged The Wards dark theme.
Now, The Ward used a lot of loud noises, throughout the trailer and especially when it progressed to the fast paced editing which we found very interesting so we just used the same method, due to (and us being the audience) it keeping us at the edge of our seat, an element that is vital in a horror trailer and one that we would be deluded not to include. Along with the diagetic sounds, one that followed the guidelines of out story and genre, creating the feeling of realism and connecting with the audience i.e panting while running, hospital sounds, twigs breaking ect.

In no way did we use and abuse The Ward, we altered the conventions to our taste, challenged them and developed to make it better - make the result better for us and the audience.

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