Saturday 11 August 2012


This is a rough storyboard for our trailer.

1. we will have our main character (the girl) running through a wood/a field in a nighty that resembles a hospital gown - then she will be dragged away by people dressed in hospital scrubs.

2. next we will have a clip of the girl on a stretcher, filmed from above while she is lying down. this will be edited to be black and white and will signify a flashback of the girls life.

3. there will there be a shot of the girl dropping old, burnt photographs of her and her family. this shot will be edited into a freeze, so the audience can get a good look at the photos and the people in it. this will then fade into the next clip.

4. the next clip will be the conventional part of a trailer where words appear on the screen to give the audience more information on the film.

5. the next clip will be a scene where the girl is in a room or a bedroom talking to the characters in her head. her (real) friend walks in and sees her, it looks like she is talking to no one, as she is the only one in her room, talking to herself.

6. next there will be a scene of the girl and her real friend having a conversation about her having a problem, which the girl denies.

7. there will then be more words to give more information.

8. there will then be another black and white flashback of a doctor looking down on the girl and giving her an inspection.

9. next will be a clip of the people in the girls head all shouting different things at her, and the girl looking scared.

10.  more words.

11. for the next 20 or so seconds there will be a montage of fast edited clips with flashes on light. the music of the trailer will pick up in pace for the end title.

12. the title of the film will then appear but a loud end to the music.

13. after the title and some credits, an end scene will play of the girl holding a knife and a girl (her sister) next to her, with blood all down her dress.

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